Commissioner of Nunavut

Former Commissioners of Nunavut

Helen Mamayaok Maksagak

Former Commissioner of Nunavut
1999 to 2000

Helen Maksagak took office as the first commissioner of Nunavut on March 31, 1999 and served until March 31, 2000. Previously, from 1992 until 1999, she served as Deputy Commissioner and Commissioner of the Northwest Territories. Ms. Maksagak was the first woman and the first Inuk to hold these positions. As a private citizen Ms. Maksagak was very active at the community level. Her work focused on improving supports for the family and environmental issues in the north.

Peter Taqtu Irniq

Former Commissioner of Nunavut
2000 to 2005

Peter Taqtu Irniq served as the second commissioner of Nunavut from April 1, 2000 until March 31, 2005.

Prior to becoming Commissioner, Mr. Irniq held the position of Deputy Minister with the Nunavut Department of Culture Language Elders and Youth from 1998 to 1999. Throughout his professional life Mr. Irniq has focused on advancing Inuit culture, language and encouraging Inuit to participate at higher levels in employment, education and business. As Commissioner he was a respected spokesperson who worked in the territory, nationally and internationally to connect all people to Nunavut, its culture and its history.

Ann Meekitjuk Hanson

Former Commissioner of Nunavut
2005 - 2010

Ann Meekitjuk Hanson served as the third Commissioner of Nunavut from April 21, 2005 until April 20, 2010.

Mrs. Hanson's career has been diverse. She has been a civil servant, broadcaster, journalist and author. She has used her skills in Inuktitut throughout her career. In addition to her work in journalism, Mrs. Hanson also served with the Government of the Northwest Territories as a community development worker, counsellor and Deputy Commissioner. Joining the federal government in 1964, she served as a secretary and interpreter/translator in the office of Nunatsiaq Member of Parliament Gene Rheaume.

Edna Ekhivalak Elias

Former Commissioner of Nunavut

Edna Ekhivalak Elias served as the fourth Commissioner of Nunavut from May 2010 to May 2015

Ms. Elias throughout her long career, she has been dedicated to the promotion of Inuit culture. She oversaw the delivery of Aboriginal and Official Language services for the Government and Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories, founded the Edmonton Inuit Cultural Society and owned and operated her own interpretation, translation and consulting business.

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Nellie Taptaqut Kusugak

Former Commissioner of Nunavut

Nellie Kusugak served as the fifth Commissioner of Nunavut from May 2015 to May 2020

Fluent in Inuktitut and English, Mrs. Kusugak has been a prominent member of the education community since 1986. Nellie has held teaching positions in both the public school system and Nunavut Arctic College, a post secondary institution. In these educational positions, Nellie has taught a range of grade levels and a variety of college courses with a focus in the Nunavut Teachers Education Program, a program in which she herself is a graduate receiving a Bachelors of Education in 1996.

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